Smart Contract Course

Smart Contract Course

Welcome to the course

⌨️ (00:00:00) Lesson 0: Welcome To Blockchain

Best Practices

  • Follow the repository: While going through the course be 100% certain to follow along with the github repository. If you run into in an issue check the chronological-updates in the repo.
  • Be Active in the community: Ask questions and engage with other developers going through the course in the discussions tab, be sure to go and say hello or gm! This space is different from the other industries, you don’t have to be secretive; communicate, network and learn with others :)
  • Learn at your own pace: It doesn’t matter if it takes you a day, a week, a month or even a year. Progress >>> Perfection
  • Take Breaks: You will exhaust your mind and recall less if you go all out and watch the entire course in one sitting.
    Suggested Strategy every 25 minutes take a 5 min break, and every 2 hours take a longer 30 min break
  • Refer to Documentation: Things are constantly being updated, so whenever Patrick opens up some documentation, open it your end and maybe even have the code sample next to you.

Lesson 1: Blockchain Basics

⌨️ (00:09:05) Lesson 1: Blockchain Basics

What is a Blockchain? What does a blockchain do?

The Purpose Of Smart Contracts

Other Blockchain Benefits

  • Decentralized
  • Transparency & Flexibility
  • Speed & Efficiency
  • Security & Immutability
  • Counterparty Risk Removal
  • Trust Minimized Agreements

What have Smart Contracts done so far?

Making Your First Transaction

Gas I: Introduction to Gas

How Do Blockchains Work?

Signing Transactions

Gas II

Gas II Summary

High-Level Blockchain Fundamentals

🎊🎊🎊🎊🎊🎊🎊🎊🎊🎊🎊🎊 Completed Blockchain Basics! 🎊🎊🎊🎊🎊🎊🎊🎊🎊🎊🎊🎊

Lesson 2: Welcome to Remix! Simple Storage

⌨️ (02:01:16) Lesson 2: Welcome to Remix! Simple Storage

💻 Code:


Setting Up Your First Contract

Basic Solidity: Types

// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT

pragma solidity ^0.8.8;

contract SimpleStorage {
// boolean, uint, int, address, bytes
bool hasFavoriateNumber = false;

uint favoriateNumberUint = 123;
string favoriateNumberInText = "Five";
address myAdress = 0xF6CF8e675fF7e8e1C7599209771ccE9CD28427cD;
bytes32 favoriateBytes = "cat";

// This gets initialized to zero!
// public visible externally and internally
uint256 public favoriateNumber;


Basic Solidity: Functions

  • Functions
  • Deploying a Contract
    • Smart Contracts have addresses just like our wallets
  • Calling a public state-changing Function
  • Visibility
  • Gas III | An example
  • Scope
  • View & Pure Functions
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT

pragma solidity ^0.8.8;

contract SimpleStorage {

uint256 public favoriateNumber;

// function
function store(uint256 _favoriteNumber) public {
favoriateNumber = _favoriteNumber;

function retriveve() public view returns(uint256) {
return favoriateNumber;

function add() public pure returns(uint256) {
return (1 + 1);


Basic Solidity: Arrays & Structs

  • Structs
  • Intro to Storage
  • Arrays
  • Dynamic & Fixed Sized
  • push array function
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT

pragma solidity ^0.8.8;

contract SimpleStorage {

uint256 favoriateNumber;

People public person = People(
name: "cuzz",
favoriateNumber: 1

People[] public people;

struct People {
string name;
uint256 favoriateNumber;

function addPerson(string memory _name, uint256 _favoriateNumber) public {


Basic Solidity: Compiler Errors and Warnings

  • Yellow: Warnings are Ok
  • Red: Errors are not Ok

Memory, Storage, Calldata (Intro)

  • 6 Places you can store and access data
    • calldata
    • memory
    • storage
    • code
    • logs
    • stack


// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.8.8;

contract SimpleStorage {

mapping(string => uint256) public nameToFavoriateNumber;

function addPerson(string memory _name, uint256 _favoriateNumber) public {
nameToFavoriateNumber[_name] = _favoriateNumber;


Deploying your First Contract

  • A testnet or mainnet
  • Connecting Metamask
  • Find a faucet here
  • See the faucets at the top of this readme!
  • Interacting with Deployed Contracts

The EVM & A Recap of Lesson 2

  • The EVM

Lesson 3: Remix Storage Factory

⌨️ (03:05:34) Lesson 3: Remix Storage Factory

💻 Code:


Basic Solidity: Importing Contracts into other Contracts

Basic Solidity: Interacting with other Contracts

  • To interact, you always need: ABI + Address
  • ABI
  • SimpleStorage
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.8.8;

contract SimpleStorage {

uint256 public favoriateNumber;

mapping(string => uint256) public nameToFavoriateNumber;

function addPerson(string memory _name, uint256 _favoriateNumber) public {
nameToFavoriateNumber[_name] = _favoriateNumber;

function store(uint256 _favoriteNumber) public {
favoriateNumber = _favoriteNumber;

function retriveve() public view returns(uint256) {
return favoriateNumber;

  • StorageFactory
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.8.8;

import "./SimpleStorage.sol";

contract StorageFactory {
SimpleStorage[] public simpleStorageArray;

function createSimpleStorageFactory() public {
SimpleStorage simpleStorage = new SimpleStorage();

function sfStore(uint256 _simpleStorageIndex, uint256 _simpleStorageNumber) public {
// Address
// ABI - Application Binary Interface
SimpleStorage simpleStorage = simpleStorageArray[_simpleStorageIndex];;

function sfGet(uint256 _simpleStorageIndex) public view returns(uint256){
SimpleStorage simpleStorage = simpleStorageArray[_simpleStorageIndex];
return simpleStorage.retriveve();

Basic Solidity: Inheritance & Overrides

// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.8.8;

contract SimpleStorage {

uint256 public favoriateNumber;

mapping(string => uint256) public nameToFavoriateNumber;

function addPerson(string memory _name, uint256 _favoriateNumber) public {
nameToFavoriateNumber[_name] = _favoriateNumber;
// needs virtual keyword
function store(uint256 _favoraiteNumber) public virtual{
favoriateNumber = _favoraiteNumber;

function retriveve() public view returns(uint256) {
return favoriateNumber;

  • ExtraStorage
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.8.0;

import "./SimpleStorage.sol";

contract ExtraStorage is SimpleStorage {

// + 5
// override
// virtual override
function store(uint256 _favoriateNumber) public override {
favoriateNumber = _favoriateNumber + 5;

Lesson 3 Recap

Lesson 4: Remix Fund Me

⌨️ (03:31:55) Lesson 4: Remix Fund Me

💻 Code:


Sending ETH Through a Function & Reverts

// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT

// Get found from users
// Withdraw fund
// Set a minimum funding value in USD

pragma solidity ^0.8.8;
contract FundMe {
uint256 public number;
function fund() public payable {
number = 5;
// 如果这个条件没有满足,前面执行都会revert
require(msg.value > 1e18, "Didn't send enough!"); // 1e18 == 1 * 10 * 18

Interfaces & Price Feeds

Importing from GitHub & NPM

Floating Point Math in Solidity

Basic Solidity: Arrays & Structs II

Review of Interfaces, Importing from GitHub, & Math in Solidity


SafeMath, Overflow Checking, and the “unchecked” keyword

Basic Solidity: For Loop

  • For Loop
  • /* */ is another way to make comments

Basic Solidity: Resetting an Array

Sending ETH from a Contract

Basic Solidity: Constructor

Basic Solidity: Modifiers

Testnet Demo

Advanced Solidity

Immutable & Constant

Custom Errors

Receive & Fallback Functions


🎊🎊🎊🎊🎊🎊🎊🎊🎊🎊🎊🎊 Completed Solidity Basics! 🎊🎊🎊🎊🎊🎊🎊🎊🎊🎊🎊🎊

Lesson 5: Ethers.js Simple Storage

⌨️ (05:30:42) Lesson 5: Ethers.js Simple Storage

💻 Code:

🧪 Alchemy:

Effective Debugging Strategies & Getting Help

⌨️ (5:30:46) Effective Debugging Stategies & Getting Help

  1. Tinker and isolate problem
    1. For this course, take at LEAST 15 minutes to figure out a bug.
  2. Google / Web Search the Exact problem
    1. Go to this GitHub Repo / Discussions
  3. Ask a question on a Forum like Stack Exchange Ethereum or Stack Overflow
    1. Format your questions!!
    2. Use Markdown

How to Debug Anything Video

Installation & Setup

Mac & Linux Setup

Windows Setup

  • WSL
    • When working in WSL, use Linux commands instead of Windows commands
  • TroubleShooting
  • curl -o- | bash

⚠️ Please use Gitpod as an absolute last resort


  • Gitpod
    • If using this, NEVER share a private key with real money on Gitpod
    • Ideally you figure out the MacOS, Linux, or Windows install though

Local Development Introduction

  • CMD + K or CTRL + K clears the terminal
  • mkdir ethers-simple-storage-fcc
  • code . to open VSCode in a new VSCode window

Optional Javascript Crash Courses

"[solidity]": {
"editor.defaultFormatter": "NomicFoundation.hardhat-solidity"
"editor.defaultFormatter": "esbenp.prettier-vscode"

In your .vscode/settings.json file.

Tiny Javascript Refresher

Asynchronous Programming in Javascript

Compiling our Solidity

Ganache & Networks

Introduction to Ethers.js

A Note on the await Keyword

Adding Transaction Overrides

Transaction Receipts

Sending a “raw” Transaction in Ethers.js

Interacting with Contracts in Ethers.js

Environment Variables

Better Private Key Management

Optional Prettier Formatting

Deploying to a Testnet or a Mainnet

Verifying on Block Explorers from the UI

Alchemy Dashboard & The Mempool

Lesson 5 Recap

Typescript Ethers Simple Storage

Lesson 6: Hardhat Simple Storage

⌨️ (08:20:17) Lesson 6: Hardhat Simple Storage

💻 Code:


⌨️ (08:20:19) Introduction

Hardhat Setup

⌨️ (08:22:47) Hardhat Setup

Troubleshooting Hardhat Setup

⌨️ (08:29:43) Troubleshooting Hardhat Setup

Hardhat Setup Continued

⌨️ (08:31:48) Hardhat Setup Continued

Deploying SimpleStorage from Hardhat

⌨️ (08:33:10) Deploying SimpleStorage from Hardhat

Networks in Hardhat

⌨️ (08:41:44) Networks in Hardhat

Programmatic Verification

⌨️ (08:51:16) Programmatic Verification

Interacting with Contracts in Hardhat

⌨️ (09:06:37) Interacting with Contracts in Hardhat

Artifacts Troubleshooting

⌨️ (09:09:42) Artifacts Troubleshooting

Custom Hardhat Tasks

⌨️ (09:10:52) Custom Hardhat Tasks

Hardhat Localhost Node

⌨️ (09:18:12) Hardhat Localhost Node

The Hardhat Console

⌨️ (09:23:11) The Hardhat Console

Hardhat Tests

⌨️ (09:26:13) Hardhat Tests

Hardhat Gas Reporter

⌨️ (09:38:10) Hardhat Gas Reporter

Solidity Coverage

⌨️ (09:44:40) Solidity Coverage

Hardhat Waffle

⌨️ (09:47:02) Hardhat Waffle

Lesson 6 Recap

⌨️ (09:47:37) Lesson 6 Recap

Typescript Hardhat Simple Storage

⌨️ (09:52:15) Typescript Hardhat Simple Storage

yarn add --dev @typechain/ethers-v5 @typechain/hardhat @types/chai @types/node @types/mocha ts-node typechain typescript

Lesson 7: Hardhat Fund Me

⌨️ (10:00:48) Lesson 7: Hardhat Fund Me

💻 Code:


⌨️ (10:00:50) Introduction

Hardhat Setup - Fund Me

⌨️ (10:03:41) Hardhat Setup - Fund Me


⌨️ (10:06:20) Linting

Hardhat Setup - Fund Me - Continued

⌨️ (10:07:47) Hardhat Setup - Fund Me - Continued

Importing from NPM

⌨️ (10:09:38) Importing from NPM

Hardhat Deploy

⌨️ (10:10:43) Hardhat Deploy


⌨️ (10:21:05) Mocking

Utils Folder

⌨️ (10:52:51) Utils Folder

Testnet Demo - Hardhat Fund Me

⌨️ (10:55:45) Testnet Demo - Hardhat Fund Me

  • Hardhat Deploy Block Confirmations


  • Code file (TypeScript edition)
  • Define blockConfirmations in the helper-hardhat-config.ts file instead of hardhat-config.js.

Solidity Style Guide

⌨️ (11:00:10) Solidity Style Guide

Testing Fund Me

⌨️ (11:08:36) Testing Fund Me

Breakpoints & Debugging

⌨️ (11:30:39) Breakpoints & Debugging


⌨️ (11:33:40) Gas III

console.log & Debugging

⌨️ (11:36:35) console.log & Debugging

Testing Fund Me II

⌨️ (11:37:31) Testing Fund Me II

Storage in Solidity

⌨️ (11:44:34) Storage in Solidity

Gas Optimizations using Storage Knowledge

⌨️ (11:52:38) Gas Optimizations using Storage Knowledge

⌨️ (12:05:29) Solidity Chainlink Style Guide

Storage Review

⌨️ (12:09:59) Storage Review

Staging Tests

⌨️ (12:11:43) Staging Tests

Running Scripts on a Local Node

⌨️ (12:17:58) Running Scripts on a Local Node

Adding Scripts to your package.json

⌨️ (12:22:00) Adding Scripts to your package.json

Pushing to GitHub

⌨️ (12:25:17) Pushing to GitHub

🐸🐦 Tweet Me (add your repo in)!

Lesson 8: HTML / Javascript Fund Me (Full Stack / Front End)

⌨️ (12:32:57) Lesson 8: HTML / Javascript Fund Me (Full Stack / Front End)

💻 Code:


How Websites work with Web3 Wallets

HTML Setup

  • Live Server: ExtensionID: ritwickdey.LiveServer

Connecting HTML to Metamask

Javascript in it’s own file

ES6 vs Nodejs

Sending a transaction from a Website

Resetting an Account in Metamask

MetaMask - RPC Error:
[ethjs-query] while formatting ouputs from RPC '{"value":{"code":-32603,"data":{"code":-32000,"message":"Nonce too high. Expected nonce to be 2 but got 4. Note that transactions can't be queued when automining."}}}'

Listening for Events and Completed Transactions

Input Forms

Reading from the Blockchain

Withdraw Function

Lesson 8 Recap

Lesson 9: Hardhat Smart Contract Lottery

⌨️ (13:41:02) Lesson 9: Hardhat Smart Contract Lottery

💻 Code:


Hardhat Setup - Smart Contract Lottery

⌨️ (13:43:43) Hardhat Setup

  • Install dependencies:
yarn add --dev @nomiclabs/hardhat-ethers@npm:hardhat-deploy-ethers ethers @nomiclabs/hardhat-etherscan @nomiclabs/hardhat-waffle chai ethereum-waffle hardhat hardhat-contract-sizer hardhat-deploy hardhat-gas-reporter prettier prettier-plugin-solidity solhint solidity-coverage dotenv
  • Install dependencies (Typescript version):
yarn add --dev @nomiclabs/hardhat-ethers@npm:hardhat-deploy-ethers ethers @nomiclabs/hardhat-etherscan @nomiclabs/hardhat-waffle chai ethereum-waffle hardhat hardhat-contract-sizer hardhat-deploy hardhat-gas-reporter prettier prettier-plugin-solidity solhint solidity-coverage dotenv @typechain/ethers-v5 @typechain/hardhat @types/chai @types/node ts-node typechain typescript

Raffle.sol Setup

⌨️ (13:46:55) Raffle.sol Setup

Introduction to Events

⌨️ (13:54:02) Introduction to Events

Events in Raffle.sol

⌨️ (14:00:47) Events in Raffle.sol

⌨️ (14:02:30) Introduction to Chainlink VRF

⌨️ (14:09:53) Implementing Chainlink VRF

Hardhat Shorthand



  • block.timestamp

Code Cleanup

Deploying Raffle.sol


Raffle.sol Unit Tests

  • We use async function in the describe blocks at the start, but we correctly take them out later.

Testing Events & Chai Matchers

Continued I

Hardhat Methods & Time Travel

Continued II


Continued III

Massive Promise Test

Continued IV

Raffle.sol Staging Tests

Testing on a Testnet

  • Chainlink VRF: 2 LINK
  • Chainlink Keepers: 8 LINK


Typescript - Smart Contract Lottery

🎊🎊🎊🎊🎊🎊🎊🎊🎊🎊🎊🎊 Completed Hardhat Basics! 🎊🎊🎊🎊🎊🎊🎊🎊🎊🎊🎊🎊

Lesson 10: NextJS Smart Contract Lottery (Full Stack / Front End)

⌨️ (16:34:07) Lesson 10: NextJS Smart Contract Lottery (Full Stack / Front End)

💻 Code:

⚡️⚡️ Live Demo IPFS: ipfs://QmXwACyjcS8tL7UkYwimpqMqW9sKzSHUjE4uSZBSyQVuEH

⚡️⚡️ Live Demo Fleek:


We move into using NextJS for our front end. NextJS is a React framework for building websites.

Optional Sub-Lesson: Full Stack Development & Other Libraries

NextJS Setup

yarn create next-app .

Manual Header I

React Hooks

Manual Header II

useEffect Hook

Local Storage



Introduction to Calling Functions in Nextjs

Automatic Constant Value UI Updater



Calling Functions in NextJS


  • Add onError to all your runContractFunction calls

Reading & Displaying Contract Data

A Note about onSuccess

  • onSuccess just checks to see if MetaMask sends the transaction, not

A Challenge to You

Tailwind & Styling

Introduction to Hosting your Site

⌨️ (18:12:50) Introdunction to Hosting your Site


⌨️ (18:15:14) IPFS

Hosting on IPFS

⌨️ (18:18:51) Hosting on IPFS

Hosting on IPFS & Filecoin using Fleek

⌨️ (18:25:45) Hosting on IPFS & Filecoin using Fleek

Filecoin Overview

⌨️ (18:31:28) Filecoin Overview

Lesson 10 Recap

Lesson 11: Hardhat Starter Kit

⌨️ (18:51:36) Lesson 11: Hardhat Starter Kit

💻 Code:

Lesson 12: Hardhat ERC20s

⌨️ (18:59:24) Lesson 12: Hardhat ERC20s

💻 Code:

What is an ERC? What is an EIP?

What is an ERC20?

Manually Creating an ERC20 Token

Creating an ERC20 Token with Openzeppelin

Lesson 12 Recap

Lesson 13: Hardhat DeFi & Aave

⌨️ (19:16:13) Lesson 13: Hardhat DeFi & Aave

💻 Code:

What is DeFi?

What is Aave?

Programmatic Borrowing & Lending

WETH - Wrapped ETH

Forking Mainnet

Depositing into Aave

Borrowing from Aave

Repaying with Aave

Visualizing the Transactions

Lesson 13 Recap

Happy Bow-Tie Friday with Austin Griffith

More DeFi Learnings

Lesson 14: Hardhat NFTs (EVERYTHING you need to know about NFTs)

⌨️ (20:28:51) Lesson 14: Hardhat NFTs

💻 Code:

What is an NFT?

Code Overview

Hardhat Setup

Basic NFT

Write Tests


Creating Rare NFTs

Setting the NFT Image

Setting an NFT Mint Price

Deploy Script

Uploading Token Images with Pinata

Uploading Token URIs (metadata) with Pinata



Dynamic SVG On-Chain NFT

What is an SVG?

Initial Code

Base64 Encoding

Advanced: EVM Opcodes, Encoding, and Calling

abi.encode & abi.encodePacked

Introduction to Encoding Function Calls Directly

Introduction to Encoding Function Calls Recap

Encoding Function Calls Directly

Creating an NFT TokenURI on-Chain

Making the NFT Dynamic

Deploy Script

Deploying the NFTs to a Testnet

Lesson 14 Recap

Extra credit:

Lesson 15: NextJS NFT Marketplace (If you finish this lesson, you are a full-stack MONSTER!)

⌨️ (23:37:03) Lesson 15: NextJS NFT Marketplace (Full Stack / Front End)

💻 Code:

Special thanks to Matt Durkin for help with this section.


Part I: NFT Marketplace Contracts

Hardhat Setup



NftMarketplace.sol - Continued

NftMarketplace.sol - Deploy Script

NftMarketplace.sol - Tests

NftMarketplace.sol - Scripts

Part II: Moralis Front End

What is Moralis?

NextJS Setup

Adding Tailwind

Introduction to Indexing in Web3

Connecting Moralis to our Local Hardhat Node

Moralis Event Sync

Reset Local Chain

Moralis Cloud Functions

Practice Resetting the Local Chain

Moralis Cloud Functions II

Querying the Moralis Database

Rendering the NFT Images

Update Listing Modal

Buy NFT Listing

Listing NFTs for Sale

Part III: TheGraph Front End


What is The Graph?

Building a Subgraph

Deploying our Subgraph

Reading from The Graph

Hosting our Dapp

🎊🎊🎊🎊🎊🎊🎊🎊🎊🎊🎊🎊 Completed Front End Basics! 🎊🎊🎊🎊🎊🎊🎊🎊🎊🎊🎊🎊

Lesson 16: Hardhat Upgrades

⌨️ (28:53:11) Lesson 16: Hardhat Upgrades

💻 Code:

Upgradable Smart Contracts Overview

Types of Upgrades

  1. Parameter
  2. Social Migrate
  3. Proxy
    1. Proxy Gotchas
      1. Function Collisions
      2. Storage Collisions
    2. Metamorphic Upgrades
    3. Transparent
    4. UUPS
    5. Diamond


Small Proxy Example

Transparent Upgradable Smart Contract

Lesson 17: Hardhat DAOs

⌨️ (29:45:24) Lesson 17: Hardhat DAOs

⬆️ Up-to-date code:

💻 Code from video:


What is a DAO?

How to build a DAO

Lesson 18: Security & Auditing

⌨️ (31:28:32) Lesson 18: Security & Auditing

💻 Code:



Fuzzing and Eth Security Toolbox

Closing Thoughts


🎊🎊🎊🎊🎊🎊🎊🎊🎊🎊🎊🎊 Completed The Course! 🎊🎊🎊🎊🎊🎊🎊🎊🎊🎊🎊🎊

Where do I go now?

Learning More



Be sure to check out project grant programs!

And make today an amazing day!


