- 一是放在被修饰名称的前面,称为前置定语或定语
- 二是放在修饰名词的后面,我们称为后置定语
限定词 + 形容词 + 中心名词 + 六类右置定语(介词短语、分词短语、不定式短语、形容词短语、定语从句、同位语从句)
- The boy is my brother.
- 限定词 + 中心名词
- The cute boy is my brother.
- 限定词 + 形容词 + 中心名词
- The cute boy in blue jeans is my brother.
- 限定词 + 形容词 + 中心名词 + 介词短语
- The cute boy wearing blue jeans is my brother.
- 限定词 + 形容词 + 中心名词 + 分词短语
- The cute boy who is wearing blue jeans is my brother.
- 限定词 + 形容词 + 中心名词 + 定语从句
- 人:John, sister, father
- 事物:water, air, sun, computer
- 地点:London, theater
- 抽象事物:love, happiness, imagination, hope
- 专有名词:表示特定的人、物、机构或者场所(Paris, the United State)
- 普通名词
- 可数名词
- 个体名词:表示同类中的人或事物中的个体(student, tree, house, piano)
- 集体名词:表示若干人或事物的总称(team, commitee, police, family)
- 不可数名词
- 物质名词:表示物质和材料的总称(paper, water, cotton, air)
- 抽象名词:表示动作、性质、状态或情感等抽象概念的名词(birth, happiness, evolution, technogy, management, imagination, hope, sport)
- 可数名词
- cake 用作蛋糕这类物质总称是不可数,表示一快蛋糕是可数。
- I like cake, not hamburger.
- My mother is making a cake in the kitchen.
- paper
- I need some paper to write a letter on.
- I have a term paper to write on weekends. (学期论文)
- I bought a paper.
- glass 表示玻璃不可数,表示玻璃杯可数
- Glass dose not rust or rot.(玻璃不会生锈也不会腐烂)
- She drank two glasses of wine. (她喝了两杯葡萄酒)
- He broke a glass. (他打碎了一个玻璃杯)
- He broke a pice of glass. (他打碎了一片玻璃) 不可数名称,只能用 a pice of glass
- He broke a pair of glasses.(他打碎了一幅眼镜)
- art(艺术)/ an art(一项技术)
- beauty(美丽)/ a beauty(一个美人)
- She had great beauty in her youth.(他年轻的时候非常美丽)
- She was a beauty in her youth.(她年轻的时候是个美人)
- youth(青春)/ a youth(一个年轻人)
规律三:从广泛的意义来说,当一个名词表示抽象的、总称的概念时,一般作为不可数名词。(husband and wife)。当它表示具体的、特定的事物一般作为不可数名词。
- husband and wife
- I pronounce this couple to be husband and wife. You may kiss.(不可数)
- area 如果是指某个地方具体多大面试则是可数
- The square covers an area of 20,000 square meters. (这个广场的面试达两万平方米)
- ShangHai is the largest city in area in China, but BeiJing is the largest city in population.
虽然我们不能用具体的数字(比如:one, two, thress)来表示不可数名词,但是我们可以借用量词来表示。不同的类型的不可数名词使用的量词也不一样,一般的规律如下:
- 常用 piece 修饰以下的抽象名词和物质名词,比如:advice, bread, baggage, chalk, equiment, furniture, information, luggage, music, news
- a piece of news(一条消息)
- two pieces of news(两条消息)
- several pieces of furniture(几件家具)
- three pieces of luggage(三件行李)
- 用 bottle, cup, drop 和 glass 修饰液体物质,比如:beer, blood, coffee, milk, tea, water, wink
- several drops of blood(几滴血)
- a glass of milk(一杯牛奶)
- two glasses of wink(两杯葡萄酒)
- two cups of coffee(两杯咖啡)
- 其他量词
- a loaf of bread(一长条面包)
- a tube of toothpaste(一筒牙膏)
- a slice of meat(一片肉)
2、不可数名词不能被 a(n) 修饰
除了不能被量词修饰意外,不可数名词一般不能直接被不定冠词 a/an 修饰。比如一条消息不能说 a news,应该说 a piece of news。
可数名词可以数出具体数目,因此可以被基数词修饰,比如 one book 或者 two books 等。比如两天修饰不能说 two news,应该说 two pieces of news。
- 工具仪器:glasses(眼镜)、scales(天平)、tongs(镊子)
- 服装:jeans(牛仔裤)、trousers(长裤)、short(短裤)、briefs(内裤)
对于这些名词,要说明数量,我们往往要用 pair 来表示
- He picked up the hot metal with a pair of tongs.
- That’s a nice pair of pants.
- As I’m shortsighted I always carry two pairs of glasses.
- people:作为“人们,人民”的意思,他体现复数形式,person 相当于 people 的单数形式
- There was only one person in the room. (房间里只有一个人)
- There were many people in the room. (房间里很多人)
- people: 作为“名族”或“部落”的时候,就是一个普通名词,有单复数变化
- The Chinese are an industrious people. (中华名族是一个勤劳的名族)
- the English-speaking peoples.(说英语的名族)
3、“the + 形容词”表示一类人
在英文中“the + 形容词”表示一类人,此时当做复数名词,作主语时,谓语需要用复数。
- The rich are becoming richer.(富人变得更富)
- the Alps (阿尔卑斯山脉)
- the Himalays(喜马拉雅山脉)
- 一般在直接加
‘s 名词所有格
- 姓名:Mary’s brother, Jones’s car
- 人称:my brother’s car, the lawyer’s office, children’s reading
- 不定代词:nobody’s fault, everyone’s responsibility
- 集体名称:the committee’s decision, the company’s accounts
- 高等动物:the horse’s mouth, a bird’s nest
- 单数名词:
- my sister’s boyfriend
- the people’s choice
- a woman’s intuituion
- 复数名词:不以
- the Children’s Day
- her friends’ money
- 并列关系:如果表示共同所有只需要在最后一个名词上加,如果表示各自所有需要在两个名词上都加
- John and his wife’s bank savings. (约翰和他的妻子的共同存款)
- John’s and his wife’s bank savings. (约翰和他的妻子的各自的存款)
‘s 所有格逻辑关系
- 所属关系
- my father-in-law’s company
- 主谓关系
- How will Bhutto’s death affect the world? (Bhutto 之死将会如何影响世界?)
- 动宾关系
- 同谓关系
- 表示世界或者距离
- today’s newpaper
- tomorrow’s weather
- 表示重量或者价值的度量
- two pounds’ weight
- two dollars’ worth of sugar
- 表示国家、城市、国际组织或者地理名词
- China’s population
- the moom’s shadow
of 名词所有格
基本构成为:N1 + of + N2
- 一表示无生命的名词的所有关系。
- the roof of the church(教堂的屋顶)
- the title of the song
- 二表示有生命的名词后面接短语或从句。
- What is the name of the boy sitting next to her?(坐在她身边的那个男孩叫什么名字?)这里的 boy 被分词短语 sitting next to her 修饰,这个时候就不能用 ‘s 所有格,不能说成 What is the boy sitting next to her’s name? ,而是要借助 of 所属格来表示,如果没有分词短语修饰我们可以直接说 What is the boy’s name?
- I took the advice of an old man I met during a journey and decided to make something of myself.(我听从在一次旅行中遇到的一位老人的建议,决定干出一番事业)
of 属格的逻辑语义关系
基本构成是 N1 + of + N2,N1 是不及物动词变化过来的名词,表示某一行为,这一行为是由 N2 来发出的。或者说 N2 是 N1 的执行者。
- the arrival of my mother(我妈妈到了)
- 这里的第一个名词 arrival 是有不及物动词 arrive 变化而来的
- the arrival of the train(火车到达)
- the growth of agriculture(农业的增长)
基本构成是 N1 + of + N2,这里的 N1 是有及物动词变化过来的名词,与上述“主谓关系”相反,N1 是执行者。
- America’s invasion of Iraq (美国入侵伊拉克)
- 这里的 invasion 是由及物动词 invade 变化过来的,这个短语相当说 America invaded Iraq
- the statement of the facts(陈述事实)
- the discussion of the plan(讨论这个机会)
- the shooting of the rebels(开枪打死这些叛乱者)
- 主谓关系:叛乱者开枪扫射
- 动宾关系:开枪打死这些叛乱者
- 对于不及物动词,则必然是从右往左按主谓关系翻译,但是对于既可以做为及物动词又可以作为不及物动词,我们一般按动宾关系,从左往右翻译,除非有上下文语义证明。
基本构成是 N1 + of + N2,这里的 N2 表示 N1 的具体内容
- the city of Rome (罗马城市)
- the news of the team’s victory(该队胜利的消息)
我们知道在英语中的冠词有三个,其中两个是不定冠词 a 和 an,以及定冠词 the。但从读音的角度来说应该有 4 个。
- a 用在辅音开头的名词
- an 用在元音开头的名词
- the [ðə] 在辅音开头的名词
- the [ði] 在元音开头的名词
- The lion is a dangerous animal.(狮子是一种危险的动物)
- The lion escaped from the zoo.(那头狮子从动物园跳出来了)
- 不可数名词不加定冠词表示泛指
- 复数名词不加定冠词表示泛指
- 单数名词与定冠词 the 连用可以表示泛指
- 单数名词和不定冠词 a/an 连用可以表示泛指
不可数名词在表示泛指的时候不可与 the 连用,如果与 the 连用此时不可数名词表示特指。
- Life is hard sometimes.(生活有时会很艰难)
- Life is education in itself.(生活本身就是教育)
- The writer is writing write a book about the life of blacks in America.(这位作家正在写一本关于美国黑人生活的书)
- I am studying the life of Beethoven.(我正在研究贝多芬的生平)
- I love music, poetry and art.(我爱音乐、诗歌和美术)
- I don’t like the film, but I like the music.(我不喜欢这部电影,但是我喜欢它的音乐)
- Water is essential for life.(水是生命不可缺的)
- Theory must go hand in hand with practice.(理论必须和实践相结合)
复数名词同不可数名词一样,在表示泛指的时候,不可与定冠词 the 连用,如果与 the 连用表示特指。
- Books fill leisure time for many people.(对于大多数人,书填补了他们很多闲暇时间)
- Put away the books on your desk.(把你书桌上的那些书都摆齐了)
3、单数名词与定冠词 the 连用可以表示泛指
- The tiger is becoming almost extinct.(老虎几乎要灭绝了)
- Tigers is becoming almost extinct.(老虎几乎要灭绝了)
但是时候就有些困惑“the + 单数名词”既可以泛指也可以特指,就会出现比较模糊的意思。
- A: The president is too powerful.(总统权力太大了)
- B: Which president?(你指的是哪位总统)
- A: No, I mean presidents in general.(我说的是所有总统)
4、单数名词和不定冠词 a/an 连用可以表示泛指
不定冠词 a/an 的泛指用法指的是某一类事物中的任何一个具有代表性的成员
- A tiger is a dangerous animal.(老虎是比较危险的动物)
- The tiger is a dangerous animal.(老虎是比较危险的动物)
- Tigers are dangerous animals.(老虎是比较危险的动物)
the + 国籍名词表示泛指
- The Chinese are a great people.(中华名族是一个伟大的名族)
the + 形容词表示一类人,相当于形容词后面省略了 people,所有被看作是复数名词
- The poor are causing the nation’s leaders great concern.(穷困人口正在给该国家领导人造成了很大的担忧)
- The wise avoid such temptations.(真正的智者会抵御这种诱惑)
定冠词 the 的特 s 指用法
the 有一条用法表示著名的人或事,这也是相对的,比如刘德华在国内我们可以说著名,到国际上可能就不是。
- Albert Einstein, the famous physicist. (爱因斯坦,著名的物理学家)
- Andy Lau, the famous actor.(刘德华,这位著名的演员)在国内可以这么说
- Andy Lau, a famous Chinese actor(刘德华,一位著名的演员)国外的报道可以这样说
- the North Pole(北极)
- the earth(地球)
- the univerese(宇宙)
- Have you visited the castle?(你去过那个城堡吗?)
- Let’t go to the library.(我们去图书馆吧)
- A: Shut the door, please!(请把门关一下!)
- B: Which door?(那个门)
- A man came up to a policeman and asked him a qusetion. The policeman didn’t understand the question, so he asked the man repeat it.
间接前指/话题与定冠词 the
- I went to [New York] last week. The traffic is awful.(上周我去了纽约,那里的交通很糟糕)
- 这里的 The traffic 指的是 New York 的交通
- The role of women in today’s society has been achieved through centuries of major cultural changes.(经过几个世纪的文化变迁,妇女们已经取得了在当今社会中的低位)
- 这里的 role 被介词短语 of women 修饰,所以有 the 来限定 role,另外这里的 women 是复数名词,表示泛指概念,所以没有用 the 来修饰。
- The state of women’s health in the 1990s reflects the price of process.(20 世纪 90 年代妇女的健康状况反应了进步的代价)
- 这里的 state 被介词短语 of women’s health 修饰,所以用 the 来限定说成 the state,同理 price。
- 这里的 women’s health 和 progress 都是不可数名词表示泛指,所以都没有用 the 来限制。
- People who drink and dirve should go to prision.(酒后驾车应该进监狱)
- 这个是后表示泛指,不用加 the
- The people who made this mess should be ashamed of themselves.(把这弄的一团糟的人应该为自己敢到羞耻)
- 这个表示特指,需要加 the
不定冠词 a/an 的用法
- A tiger is a dangerous animal. (老虎是一种危险的动物)
- Bill is a engineer.(比尔是一名工程师)
- This is a warm day.(这是一个暖和的日子)
2、不定冠词 a/an 与不可数名词
- I’d live a beer, please.
3、不定冠词 a/an 与 one
在英文中,有一类表示居家生活和社会事业机构的名词,hospital 在有冠词修饰和没有冠词修饰的两种不同的情况下,意思往往是不同的。
- at table(进餐)
- at the table(在桌子旁边)
- go to bed(上床睡觉)
- go to the bed(到床边)
- go to hospital(生病住院)
- redecorate the hospital(重新装修这个医院)
- in hospital(住院)
- in the hospital(因事在医院)
- go to prision(犯罪入狱)
- walk aroud the prision(绕着这个监狱走)
- go to school(上学)
- go to the school(去学校)
- in school(在学校念书)
- in the school(在学校里)
- go to class(去上课)
- The class works hard.(全班同学学校认真)
- in class(在上课)
- in the class(在这个班级)
- go to colleage(去上大学)
- the gates of the college(这个学院大门)
- at desk(在读书,做作业)
- at the desk(在课桌旁)
- in office(在职)
- in the office(在办公室)
- out of office(离职,下台)
- out of the office(离开办公室)
1、形容词或副词的最高级、序数词以及 only 用作形容词加名词连用时,它们的前面一般要用 the。
- the only way to copy with the problem.(解决这个问题的唯一办法)
- This is the first time I’ve come to Beijing.(这是我第一次来北京)
- the Bealtes(甲壳虫乐队)
- learn the piano(学钢琴)
- 在运动项目前不加 the,比如:play chess, play football
3、定冠词 the 与姓氏连用
- the Smiths(表示夫妇两人或者表示全家人或者整个家族)
表示一般的职业,一般用不定冠词 a/an
- I am an English teacher.
如果这个职业的头衔是独一无二,或者这个职位在一个单位里面试唯一的,通常不用冠词,不过也可以用 the,所以不能用 a/an。
- He was elected President in 1897.
- I want to see the President.
- John is (the) captain of the team.(约翰是该队的队长)
- She is chairman of the committee.(她是该委员会的主席)
- play football
- play chess
- 冠词:the, an, a
- 物主形容词:my, your, his, her, our, their
- 指示形容词:this, that, these, those
- 名词所属格:Tom’s
- the boss’s wife
- my brother’s girlfriend
下列这些特殊名词前,不加 the
- nature:泛指自然界不加冠词,比如在“大自然中”要说成 in nature
- If you destory nature you will suffer for it(谁要是破坏大自然,谁就要遭受恶果)
- society:泛指我们在其中的生活的这个社会,比如在“在社会中”要说成 in society
- Society turns people into criminals and then locks them up.(社会使人犯罪,然后又把他们关进监狱)
- space:泛指星球之间的空间,不加冠词。比如“在宇宙太空中”要说成 in space
- Man has just taken his first into space(对于太空的探索,人类才刚刚迈出了第一步)
- man:泛指人类时,不加定冠词
- Man can conquer nature(人定胜天)
- hostory:泛指人类的整个历史时候,不加冠词。比如“在历史上”要说成 in history
- History may repeat itself(历史可能重演)
- on + 星期,表示一个规律的日期,或者表示过去或者未来的某个日期
- She phoned me on Wednesday and we are meeting on Friday.
- on the + 星期,表示以上下文中的别的时间为参考
- She died on the Tuesday after the accident(事故发生以后的那个星期二,她就死了)
- Winder is comming
- The spring fo last year was cold.(去年冬天很冷)
这些名词尤其出现在 at, by, after, before 之后,往往不加冠词
- at dawn
- at sunrise
- watch the dawn(看黎明到来)
- We admired the sunset(我们欣赏日落)
- wake uo int hte nigth(在午夜醒来)
- for breakfast/lunch(早餐,吃午餐)
- stay for breakfast(留下来吃早餐)
- before lunch(无餐前)
- I was invited to dinner(我受邀请赴晚餐)
如果表示特别提出来的某一次用餐,则通常用 the 来强调
- Where are we having dinner tonight?(今天的晚餐我们在哪里吃)
- The dinner after his retirement party was quite lavish
接在 by 之后的交通的工具名词,前面不要加冠词,其他需要加冠词 the
- by bicycle / take the bicycle
- by bus / be on the bus
- by car / be in the car
- by boat / take the boat
- by train / take the train
- by radio
- a takle on the radio
- by telephone
- John is on the telephone
- by post
- put a letter in the post
- by satellite
- the satellite is replacing cable TV
- face to face (面对面)
- back to back(背对背)
- day by day(日复一日)
- They talked face to face.(他们面对面谈话)
数量限定词:a few, few, a little, little
1、从名词搭配来看,a few 和 few 的后面只能接复数名词,而 a little 和 little 的后面只能接不可数名词。
- a few days, few boys
- a little water, little money
2、肯定/否定之别,a few 和 a little 表示的意思是肯定,相当于 some,表示有一些的意思。而 few 和 little 的意思是否定,表示很少几乎没有。
- His theory is rather difficult; few people understand it.(他的理论很深奥,没有什么人能理解)
- His theroy is rather difficult, but a few people understand is.(他的理论很深奥,单有一些人能够理解)
- I have little interest in English, so I am very poor at it.(我对英文没什么兴趣,所以学的很不好)
- I hava a little interest in English, so i like learn it.(我对英文有些兴趣,所以我喜欢学)
3、与 noly 或 very 的搭配关系,我们只能说 only a little 或 only a few,不能说 only few 或 only little.
- His theroy is rather difficult and only a few student can understand it.
some 和 any 均可以与不可数名词及可数名词复数连用,表示一些。some 一般用于在肯定句中,而 any 一般用于否定句中。
- I want to buy some computure books.
- I don’t have any friends here.
在疑问句中我们多数情况下用 any,但是在表示我们期待的一个正面的回答或者鼓励对方说“是”时,要再疑问句中用 some。
- Have you got any medicine to cure you cough?(你吃治咳嗽的药了吗?)
- Would you live to give me some advice?
- Can I have some more wine?
2、any 与单数名词搭配
当 any 后面接单数名词时,他的意思是“无论哪一个,任何一个”,此时可用于任何类型的句子。
- You can catch any bus. They all go to the railway station.(你坐哪辆公交都行,它们都可以到火车站)
- You can ask any person over there. They all can tell you.(你问那别的哪个人都行,他们都会告诉你)
3、some 与可数名词搭配
some 与可数名词搭配,此时的 some 表示不确定的“某一个”的意思
- Some person at the gate is asking to see you.(门口有个人要见你)
1、与名词搭配关系,each 和 every 的后面都只能接单数可数名词,这就是为什么要称它们为“个体”限定词的原因。它们不能修饰不可数名词和复数名词。
- Every boy has a gift.
- Each boy has a gift.
- Every man is the master of his own future.
最大的区别是:each 不仅可以用作限定词,而且还可以用作代词;而 every 只能用作限定词。因此,each 用作代词可以单独使用,而 every 只能与名词连用,不能单独使用。
- Each has a gift(人人都有礼物)
- Every boy/Each boy has a gift.
- Each of the boys has a gift.
- 如果 each 用作代词,后面加 of 短语,此时的 of 后面必须加限定词,在加复数名词。each of these/the/my boys
- Every one of the boys has a gift.
- every 不能单独使用,而且在与 of 短语连用时,只能分开写 every on of…
each 可以指两个及两个以上的事物,而 every 只能指三个及三个以上的事物
- Each sex has is own physical and psychological characteristics.
- 男女各有其生理和心理上的特点
- 性别只有男女两种,不能说 every sex
- We want every student to succeed in the exam.
- 我们希望每个学生都可以通过考试
一般来说,each 不能与数词连用,而 every 可与数词连用,然后再加复数名词
- every two days(每两天/每隔一天)
- every four years(每隔三年)
从名词搭配来看,another 不能修饰不可数名词及复数名词,只能与单数可数名词连用,表示不确定的“另一个”,“再一个”。
- another day(另一天)而不能说 another days*
- another cup of water 而不能说 another water
而 other 可与单数名词,复数名词以及不可数名词连用,表示不确定的“另外的”,“其余的”人或物
- the other boy(另一个男孩)
- other boys(其他男孩)
- other water(其他水)
- another three days(还有三天)
- three more days(还有三天)
- three other days(其他三天)
- Either day is Ok.
- 两天中的哪一天都行
- 不能说:Either day are OK.
- Neither day is OK.
- 两天中的哪一天都不行
- 不能说:Neither day are OK.
用作代词时,二者不直接接名词,而是单独使用或者接 of 短语
- Come over on Saturaday or Sunday. Either is OK.(你周六或者周日过来,哪天都行)
- Eitehr of the answers is right.(两个答案都是对的)
- 名词前面必须有限定词,不能说 either of answers*
- 名词必须用复数,不能说 either of answer*
- 谓语必须使用单数,不能说 … are right*
1、都:both 和 all
在英文中,both 只表示两者都,而 all 表示三个或三个以上都
- Both of us have learned English for a year.
- All of us have learned English for a year.
2、都不:neitehr 和 none
neither 表示两者不,而 none 表示三者以上都不
3、另外一个:the other 和 another
the other 表示确定的另外一个,another 表示不清的的另外一个
4、每一个:each 和 every
each 表示两个或两个以上的每一个,而 every 表示从第三个算起的每一个
a, an, each, every, either, neither, another, one
both, few, a few, fewer, a number of, many, serveral, these, those, two 及 two 以上的基数词
little, a little, less, much, a bit of, a great amount/deal of
a lot of, lots of, plenty of, more, most
any, some, no, the, your, my
限定词总结:限定词与 of 短语
数量或个体词 + of + 特指限定词 + 复数名词或不可数名词
of 后面必须有一个”特指限定词“,才能接名词,否者就是错误的
- 指示限定词:this, that, these, those
- 物主限定词:my, your, his, her, their, its, our
- 名词所有格:Mike’s, the teacher’s
- 定冠词:the
1、all/most/some/any of + 特指限定词 + 复数或不可数名词
- Most of my/these/the books are interesting.
- Most of books are interesting*.(错误的,of 后面必须有一个”特指限定词“)
- Most books are interesting.(这样可以)
2、many/a few/few/several/both/two/three of + 特指限定词 + 复数可数名词
- Many of these students are good at English.
- Many students are good at English.
3、much/a little/little of + 特指限定词 + 不可数名词
- Much of the water is wasted.
- Much water is wasted.
注意:其他本身就带有 of 的数量词,如 a lot of, lots of, acouple of, plenty of, a number of, a great deal of 等,则必须直接与名词连用,名词前面不需要加特指限定词。
- a lot of books(很多书)
- 不能说成 a lot of the books*
- a great deal of water(很多少)
- 不能说成 a great deal of the water*
4、特别关注:all 和 both
- All students are smart.
- All of my students are smart.
- All my students are smart.(all 独特用法)
- Both students are smart.
- Both of my students are smart.
- Both my students are smart.(both 独特用法)
They questioned both the last two boys.(最后两个男孩他们都提问了)
- 前位限定词(the)
- 中位限定词(the)
- 后位限定词(last two)
- 表示倍数关系的形容词
- half my salary(我的工资的一半)
- double my salary(我工资的两倍)
- three times my salary(我的工资三倍)
- 表示几分之几
- one third my salary(我的工资的三分之一)
- two-third my salary(我的工资三分之二)
- 个体形容词:all 和 both
- all my salary(我的全部工资)
- 冠词:the/a/an
- all the book(所有书)
- half an hour(半个小时)
- twice the size(两倍的号码)
- 物主形容词:my, your, his, our
- all my money
- all his money
- 指示形容词:this, that, these, those
- all these problems
- four times this amount(这个数量的四倍)
- 名词属格:John‘s, his father’s
- all John’s money(约翰所有的钱)
- 基数词或序数词:one/first, two/second, three/third, four/fourth
- the two children(那两个小孩)
- his fourth birthday(他的四岁生日)
- 一般序数词:next, last, past, previous, subsequent, other
- my next plan
- our last meeting
- 数量限定词:few, many, several, little
- my many friends
- our several achievement
1、单个名词短语中,通常结构:限定词 + 形容词 + 名词
- I am reading an interesting book.(我正在看一个有趣的书)
- He has a beautiful smile.(他面带灿烂的微笑)
- a typical mistake(一个典型的错误)
一般规律是:观点形容词 + 描绘形容词
- 观点形容词:beautiful, good
- 描绘形容词:white, red, old
- a typical mistake(一个典型的错误)
- a mistake typical of beginners of English()
- 这个名词短语中,单个形容词 typical 作定语,放在修饰的名词
- 这个名词短语中,typical 后面接有介词短语 of beginners of English,构成形容词短语
- the popular songs(这些流行的歌曲)
- the popular songs popular in the 1970s(这些在 20 世纪 70 年度流行的歌曲)
- 这个名词短语中,单个形容词 popular 作定语,放在修饰的名词
- 这个名词短语中,popular 后面接有介词短语 in the 1970s,构成形容词短语
1、形容词 + 介词短语
- a jacket similar to yours.(一件与你的夹克类似的夹克)
- 这里的形容词短语 similar to yours 后置修饰 jacket
- Parents eager to support their children’s effforts.(非常乐意支持孩子的父母们)
- eager 接不定式短语 to support their children’s efforts
- Students brave enough to attempt the course deserve to successd.(敢于尝试学这门课的学生当获得成功)
- brave 接不定式短语 enough to attempt the course
3、形容词 + 动名词短语
- a waiter busy serving the guests.(忙于服务客人的服务生)
- He bought a set of furniture, simple and beautiful.
- All countries, larger or small, should be equal.
- 一种是在词尾加
构成的最高级 - 一种方式是在形容词前面加 more 构成最高级,加 most 构成的最高级
a) 一般直接在词尾加-er
和 -est
原级 | 比较级 | 最高级 |
bright | brighter | brightest |
tall | taller | tallest |
long | longer | longest |
b) 以-e
和 -st
原级 | 比较级 | 最高级 |
brave | braver | bravest |
late | later | latest |
safe | safer | safest |
c) 以 -y
结尾的词应先变 y 为 i,再加 -er
和 -est
原级 | 比较级 | 最高级 |
shy | shier | shiest |
d) 以”一个元音+辅音“结尾的词,要先双写辅音字母,然后再加-er
和 -est
原级 | 比较级 | 最高级 |
fat | fatter | fattest |
big | bigger | biggest |
sad | sadder | saddest |
a) 以 -y
结尾的词应先变 y 为 i,再加 -er
和 -est
原级 | 比较级 | 最高级 |
happy | happies | happiest |
early | earlier | earliest |
heavy | heavier | heaviest |
b) 其他绝大多双音节词前加 more 和 most 构成比较级和最高级
原级 | 比较级 | 最高级 |
tiring | more tiring | most tiring |
c) 少数几个双音节词分别可以使用上述两种基本方法来构成
原级 | 比较级 | 最高级 |
common | commoner/more common | commonest/most common |
a) 多个音节词都是分别在前面加 more 和 most 来构成比较级和最高级
原级 | 比较级 | 最高级 |
interesting | more interesting | most interesting |
excited | more excited | most excited |
successful | more successful | most successful |
b) 特殊形式的比较级和最高级
原级 | 比较级 | 最高级 |
good/well | better | best |
bad/ill | worse | worest |
far | farther/further | farthest/furthest |
little | less | least |
many/much | more | most |
late | later/latter | latest/last |
- father/further:都表示时间的距离,further 可用于抽象意义,表示进一步的,更多的,更深入的,常与抽象名词连用
- further discussion(继续讨论)
- further debate(继续争论)
- further demands(进一步需求)
- latest:表示最新的
- the latest news(最近的消息)
- absolute(完全的,绝对的)
- alone(单独的,独一无二的)
- equal(平等的)
- dead(死的,无感觉的)
- perfect(完美的)
- nearly perfect(接近完美的)
- almost fatal(几乎致命的)
- nearly dead(奄奄一息的)
a) than 的比较句型
在 than 的前面必须有形容词或副词的比较形式,被比较的两个对象应该是同类事物
- The question is less difficult than that question.(这个问题没有那个问题难)
- 常见的句型是:A + 比较级 + than + B
- He did much better in the finals this term than last term.(他这个学期的期末考试比上学期考得好多了)
- 常见句型:A + 比较级 + 情形 1 + than + 情形 2
b) 比较级与 the
比较级的前面一般不需要加定冠词 the,但在有介词短语 of the two 出现的比较语句中的时候,比较级的前面必须加定冠词 the。
- I thinking this painting is the more interesting of the two.(我觉得在这两幅画中有一幅更有意思)
- i think this painting is more interesting than that that one.(我觉得这幅画比那幅画更有意思)
c) more and more 句型
- The city is becomming more and more beautiful.
- That feamale singer is getting fatter and fatter.
- more and more 不能用作单音节词前面,不能说 more and more fat
d) 可以修饰的比较级的词
形容词的比较词前可以用以下表示程度的词,或修饰语来进行修饰:a bit, a little bit, a little, a lot, a great deal, any, even, much, very much, no, rather, still
- Are you feeling any better?(你有感觉好了一些吗)
- Things are no better than before.(情况并没有比以前有所改善)
e) 否定词+比较级
- Few are better qualified for the job than he is.
- I have never heard a better song.(我从来没有听过这样好的歌)
a) the + 最高级 + in + 地方
- It is the most expensive car in the world.(这是世上最贵的汽车)
b) the + 序数词 + 最高级 + in + 地方
- The Huanghe River is the second longest river in China.
c) the + 形容词/副词的最高级 + of + 所属范围
- Cartain zoologists regard crows the most intelligent of birds.(有些动物学家认为,乌鸦是所有鸟类中最聪明的一种鸟)
- the most intelligent of birds 表示不理解,为什么不说 the most intelligent bird,其实最高级后面省略了代词 one
- Cartain zoologists regard crows the most intelligent one of birds.
- Gold is the least of useful of all metals.(在所有金属中,黄金的用途是最小的)
- Of all metals, gold is the least useful.
- 我们可以把”of + 范围“这一短语放在句首
d) 最高级前面的定冠词 the 的加与不加
- 形容词最高级修饰名词用在名词之前,一般加 the
- This is the most interesting book of all.
- most 有时候并非表示最高级,而是表示”非常,很“的意思,相当于 very, very much,这个时候一般不加
- The story is most interesting.
- It is most difficult problem.
Interesting or Interested
1、-ing 形容词的与 -ed 形容词的特点
- -ing 形容词主要是用来描述引起人某种感觉的事物,因此句子的主语通常是事物或作定语修饰事物;
- -ed 形容词主要用来描述人的感觉,表示”人对事物产生的某种感觉“,句子的主语通常是人或有情绪的动物
- the exciting news(激动人心的消息)
- the excited man(显得很激动的人)
- the annoying word(令人气愤的话)
- the annoyed man(被激怒的人)
2、-ing 形容词修饰人
对应 -ing 修饰人的话,不算奇怪,一般来说,用 -ing 修饰人,是说明这个人能够引起某种情绪。
- a boring man(一个烦人的人)
- a bored man(一个烦闷的人)
3、-ed 修饰物
- 从词义的角度来看,实义动词具备完整的词汇意义
- 从在谓语中的作用的角度来看,实义动词能单独充当句子的谓语
1、助动词 be, do 和 have
- 从词义的角度来看,助动词不具备词汇的意义
- 从在谓语的作用角度来看,助动词不能单独充当句子的谓语,它必须和实义动词连用,以帮助构成各种时态、语态、语气、否定和疑问等
英语的助动词有三个:be, do 和 have,分别有不同的变化形式:
- be: am, is, are, was, were, been, being
- I am studing grammer. 帮助构成进行时态
- He is playing football. 帮助构成进行时态
- I was cheated. 帮助构成被动语态
- do: does, did
- I do not like English. 帮助构成否定
- Do you like English. 帮助构成疑问
- have: has, had, having
- I have studied English for 3 years. 帮助构成完成时态
2、用作实义动词的 be, do 和 have
三个助动词 be, do 和 have,同时也可以用作实义动词
- I am a student. 有词义(是),系动词用作谓语
- I am studying grammar. 无词义,助动词
- I have two brothers. 有词义(有),用作谓语
- I have studied English for 3 years. 无词义,帮助构成完成时态
- I often do my homework at home. 有词义(做),用作谓语
- I do not like English. 无词义
主要情态动词有 10 个:
can/could, may/might, shall/should, will/would, must 和 had better.
- be able to(与 can 类似)
- be going to(与 will 类似)
- ought to, be supposed to (与 should 类似)
- have to, have got to(与 must 类似)
- 此外 need 和 dare 既可以用作情态动词,也可以用作实义动词
陈述句的否定构成有两种:谓语中含有 be 动词或情态动词的,以及谓语是实义动词的。
1、谓语中含有 be 动词或情态动词的否定
这个时候直接在 be 动词或情态动词后面加否定词 not
- He is a teacher.
- He is not a teacher.
- I can swim.
- I cannot swim.
- He will come to the party.
- He will not come to the party.
这个陈述的的否定需要借助助动词 do 以及其各种变形来完成
- I like English.
- I do not like English.
- He likes English.
- He does not live English
- I liked English.
- I did not live English
一般疑问句构成分为两种:谓语中含有 be 动词或情态动词的,以及谓语是实义动词的。
1、谓语动词中含有 be 动词或情态动词的提问
这时构成一般疑问句,只需要将 be 动词或情态动词移到句首
肯定句 | 疑问句 | 回答 |
He is a teacher. | Is he a teacher? | Yes,he is. 或 No, he isn’t. |
He can swim. | Can he swim? | Yes, he can. 或 No, he can’t. |
如果句子是一般将来时,要借助助动词 do 或 does,将 do 或 does 放在句首。如果是一般过去时,则是将 did 放在句首,谓语动词变化动词原形。
肯定句 | 疑问句 | 回答 |
I like English. | Do you like English? | Yes, I do. 或 No, I don’t. |
He likes English. | Does he like English. | Yes, he does. 或 No, he doesn’t. |
I liked English. | Did he like English. | Yes, he did. 或 No, he didn’t. |
特殊疑问句是在一般疑问句的基础上变化而来的,其句式为:”特殊疑问句 + 一般疑问句 + ?“。在英语中特殊疑问词有:who, what, which, when, where, why 和 how。
a) 对人提问 who
- He can sing in English.
- Who can sing in English?
- I saw him at the party last night.
- Who did you see at the party last night?
b) 对事物或所做的事提问 what
- I like English.
- What do you like?
- I am sudying English grammar.
- What are you doing?
- What are you studying?
c) 对时间提问 when
- I was born in 1980.
- when were you bron?
d) 对地点提问 where
- He lives in Beijing.
- Where dose he live?
e) 对方式提问 how
- He does to go school by bus.
- how does he go to school?
f) 对原因提问 why
- I often sutdy at the libaray because it’s quiet.
- Why do you often study at the library?
a) which
当说话者提供多种选项供对方选择时,我们就要用 which 来提问。此时的 which 的后面通常要接一名词,意思是”哪一个东西“。
- A: Could you lend me you pen?
- B: Sure, I have two pens, This pen has black lnk. That pen has red ink. Which pen/Which one/Which do you wnt?
- A: That red one. Thanks.
b) whose
whose 后面必须接名词连用,表示”谁的什么东西“
- I borrowed Jack’s car last night.
- Whose car did you borrow last night?
3、how 的用法
a) how 单独使用时,此时的 how 是对动作的方式提问。
- How do you go to work?
- I drive./By car.
- I take a bus./ By bus.
- I walk./ On foot.
- How did he break his leg?
- He fell off the ladder.
b) how 经常与形容词或副词连用
- How old are you?
- How tall is he?
- How Big is your new hourse?
- How well does he speak English?
3、对动作的发生频率提问 how often/how many tiems…
- I write to my parents once a month.(我每个月给父母写一次信)
- How often do you write to your parents?(你多久给父母写一次信?)
- How many times a month do you write to your parents?(你每个月给父母写几次信?)
- Internet dating hurts.(主语+谓语)
- Chatting on the Internet is interesting.(主语+谓语+表语)
- I like chatting online.(主语+谓语+宾语)
- Chatting on the Internet brings me a lot of fun.(主语+谓语+间宾+直宾)
- We can call Internet addicts a Webaholic.(主语+谓语+宾语+宾语补足语)
该句型的谓语动词是系动词(如 be 动词或其他动词),所谓系动词,又叫联系动词,这种动词并不表示具体的动作,而只是起连接主语和后面的成分。
- He looks happy.
- I am a theacher.
- The music sounds nice.
- He became a teacher.
- be 动词(am, is, are)
- 其他系动词(looks, sound, smell, taste, feel, seem, appear, become, turn)
- He died.
- There children are playing.
这种动词后面虽然不接宾语,但通常会接副词(hard)或介词短语(如 in the west)来说明动作方式、地点或时间。这种修饰动作的成分称为状语。
- He sun sets in the west.
- He works hard.
- He died in 2007.
区分”主系表“和”主谓状“,shouted 是不及物动词,副词 loudly 修饰动作,作状语。looks 是系动词,没有具体的动作。
- He looks happy.
- He shouted loudly.
- These children are playing basketball.
- These children are playing basketball.(play 及物动词)
- These children are playing.(play 不及物动词)
- I love English.
- I like chatting on the internet.
- 介词短语 on the internet 修饰 chatting
- He speaks English well.
- 副词 well 修饰 speaks,作状语
- 这里的”人“表示动作的接受者,称做间接宾语。
- ”物“表示动作的作用对象,是动作的承受者,称作直接宾语。
- Chatting online will bring you a lot of fun.
- He lent me ten yuan.
- I will buy you a mea.
- He showed the guard his passort.
- We can call Internet addicts a Webaholic.
- We elected John chairman.
- I found this answer wrong.
如何区”主语+谓语+间接宾语+直接宾语“和”主语+谓语+宾语+宾语补足语“,只要在宾语的后面加上 be 动词,如果能构成一个句子则是补足语。
- I made John our chairman.
- 在宾语后面添加一个 is,即 John is our chairman,这说的通,这个是补足语。
- I made John a cake.
- 在宾语后面添加一个 is,即 John is a cake*,这说不通,这个是个双宾语。
- tense(时):用来规定事物的发生时间
- 现在时(present)
- 过去时(past)
- 将来时(future)
- 过去将来时(past futre)
- aspect(态):用来规定动作的完整程度,反映说话者对事物的态度
- 一般体(simple)
- 进行体(continuous)
- 完成体(perfect)
- 完成进行体(perfect continuous)
动作标示 时间标示 |
一般 | 进行 | 完成 | 完成进行 |
现在 | 现在一般时 work/works |
现在进行时 am/is/are working |
现在完成时 has/have worked |
现在完成进行时 has/have been working |
过去 | 过去一般时 worked |
过去进行时 was/were working |
过去完成时 had worked |
过去完成进行时 had been working |
将来 | 将来一般时 will work |
将来进行时 will be woking |
将来完成时 will have worked |
将来完成进行时 will have been working |
过去将来 | 过去将来一般时 would work |
过去将来进行时 would be woking |
过去完成时 would have worked |
过去将来完成时 would have been working |
- 不受时间限制的科学事实、客观真理、言语格言以及概括、结论、观点等
- 表示人们日常生活习惯及重复活动
- Water consists of hydrogen and oxygen.
- The world is round.
- Knowledge is power.
a) 表示习惯动作
- He ofter goes to the gym.
- I go to the gym twice a week.
b) 表示习惯状态
- I like rie for dinner.(我喜欢晚餐吃米饭)
- 表示肯定的频率副词:always, frequently, usually, sometimes, generally, occasionally, ofter
- 表示否定频率的副词:never, seldom, rarely
- 表示频度副词短语:once a week, twice a year
- 如果在句子中通常是:在 be 动词后、实意动词前
- He is always late.(他总是迟到)
- He always goes to school by bike.
- 上面否定频率副词不能再与否定助动词(don’t)连用
- He doesn’t seldom come late.*(一般不这样说)
- He seldom come late.
- 这些副词一般放在否定助动词前面(always 除外)
- The history lectures sometimes aren’t interesting.
- His wife complains that he sometimes does’t listen to her.
- He doesn’t always leaver before 6 o’clock. Sometimes he works until 7 o’clock.
a) 一般现在时态在以 there 或 here 开头的句子中,表示目前的短暂的动作
- Here comes your wife.(你妻子来了)
- There goes our bus; we’ll have to wait for the next one.(我们的车开走了,我们只好等下一辆)
b) 表示现在瞬间的动作
- The woman is a spy, now she enters the room, opens the drawer, takes out a pistol and slips it into her pocket.
a) 用在条件状语从句和时间状语从句中
主要用在条件状语从句中(if 和 unless)和时间状语从句中(when, as soon as, before)中,表示将来的动作
- Please let me know when he comes back.
- I‘ll be glad if she comes over to visit me.
- I’ll give the book to him as soon as I see him.
不过从句的动作含有“意愿”的意思,则从句可用 will。
- if you will give me a hand with those books, I’ll appreciate it.
- If you will continue to flight, the victory will certainly be yours.
1、 基本用法一:过去发生的短暂的动作或状态
一般过去时常表示过去某一个特定的时间所发生的动作或存在的状态,此时常和表示过去的特定时间状态连用,这些状语有:yesterday, yesterday evening, last night, last year 等等。这些不需要加介词,at last night*。
- I saw him in the library yesterday morning.
- I began to learn English ten years ago.
- I slept for eight hours last night.
- She lived in our town for three years, but now she is living in BeiJing.
- I lived in the country for ten years.
- She lived in our town for three years.(她在我们小镇上生活过三年(但现在不在这里))
- She has lived in our town for three years.(她在我们小镇上已经生活了三年(现在还在这里))
3、口语用法一:“我不知道” “I don’t know” 和 “I didn’t know”
- I don’t know 表示一直都不知道,以及现在时态情况下
- I didn’t know 表示之前不知道,现在知道了
4、口语用法二:“我忘记了” “I forget” 和 “I forgot”
- I forget the meaning of the word.
- I forgot to bring your walkman back.
- It will rain later.(过一会会下雨)
- It may rain later.(过会可能会下雨)
- It may rain later.(过会或许会下雨)
1、will 表示将来:预测
a) 关于科技方面的预测
- Will we travel to the stars?(我们能够进行星际旅行吗?)
- Will we discover another universe?
b) 关于人类如何生活的预测
- Will we still have privacy?
- What will we wear?
2、be going to 表示将来:预测
- With all of these typos in this resume, you are not going to make a very good impression.
3、be going to 表示计划,will 表示意愿
- I am flying to Beijing next Monday.(我下周一要分北京)
在英文中,进行时态的构成是 be + doing 这里的 be 动词不是系动词,而是助动词,因而没有“是”的意思。
- 现在进行时
- I am doing
- he/she/it is doing
- we/you/they are doing
- 过去进行时
- I/he/she/it was doing
- we/you/they were doing
- 将来进行时
- will be doing
- I am watching CCTV news right now.
- I am watching CCTV news when he arrived yesterday.
- I will be watching CCTV news at 7:15 pm tomorrow.
- What program are you watching?
- I am watching Friends.
- I am not teaching English this month, I am working on a special project.
- It’s getting dark.(天逐渐暗下来)
- My dream is coming true.
- I’m getting married.
- I was watching TV when the telephone rang.
- I was walking past the car when it expoloded.
- While I was studing in my dorm, my roommates wrer talking loudly with therir friends.
- I was discussing my thesis with my director at this time last night.
- I was wondering if you’re like to lend me your car.
- Don’t telephoe me after eight tomorrow, I’ll be having a meeting.
- 事件具有持续性:进行时态首先表示一个事件或活动在某个特定的时间正在持续
- 时间具有短暂性:即表明事件的持续时间是有限的
- 时间未完成:
a) 活动与状态对比
- I am thinging about the answer.(我正在思考答案)
- I thank it is 144.(我认为答案是 144)
b) 发生在说话那一刻的一个动作与一个习惯对比
- Why are you wearing glasses?(你怎么戴着眼镜?)
- Why do you wear glasses?(你怎么习惯戴眼镜?)
c) 具体的事件与概括描述对比
- Weeds are grows like wildfire in my garden.(在我家的花园里,杂草正在疯长)
- Weeds grow like wildfire.(杂草一般都会疯涨)
d) 暂时性的时间与长期状态对比
- Joan is singing well.(Joan 这次唱得很好)
- Joan sings well.(joan 歌唱得很好)
e) 未完成与完成对比
- He was drowning in the lake, so the lifeguard raced into the wather.
- He drowned in the lake.
a) 不能在进行时态的同一时间内做不同的事
- I am painting the room and cooking dinner.* (这两个动作不能同时完成)
- I am painting the room and will cook dinner.
- I was having dinner and watching the news.(这个两个动作可以同时完成)
b) 不能进行时态表示活动的次数
- I was ringing the bell six times.*
- I ring the bell six times.(我按门铃 6 次)